So this is the beginning of our "real moms" blog. It spun out of the response from this FB post my sister made yesterday. She had over 60 comments under her post and all from moms who "have been there". It was a true testament to how much us moms need each other. We gotta stick together mammas. Our kids are bat shit crazy!
For all those mom's who aren't up for mom of the year like me, this is for you. For all those that do happen to be up for mom of the year, you are either going to want to stop reading now or unfriend me when you are done, either way is fine with me.
I am the mom that lost my ever loving mind on my kids this morning, I reverted to acting like a child to convey my annoyance, frustration and anger. It didn't help really, they got more frustrated and cried, I felt guilty and like a craptastic mother, so a lose lose situation at its finest. The judgmental look from the neighbor as she watched me try to herd my kids into the car with all their belongings was especially helpful. It was like I was the mom that was being written about in that stupid Mom on the iPhone blog, except it was about the fact that I lost my sh*t today and it had an extra side of "wow, she's a hot mess".
Why would I put this on FB?? Why admit that I had a very ugly morning with my kids?? Because at some point we all do and it made me feel better this morning to talk to my sister and my soul sister who helped me see that one moment does not define you as a mom. You apologize to your kids and try to do better and you don't judge other moms because they have a bad moment or a bad day. You share your own bad moments, maybe share a drink (if it hadn't been so early I so would have) and you love each other. And to my neighbor...if you enjoyed the show this morning you'll have to wait for the sequel....not sure when it's coming out, but I'm sure it will at some point. - Rachelle Morris
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